Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.
Banned for not explaining yourself.
Banned for using parental excuses
Banned for bringing parents in this
Banned for mentioning not to bring parents into dis
Banned for banning the above.
Banning for being a hipster
Banned for assuming she's a hipster ??
Banned for assuming
Banned for trying to ban someone ?
Banned for not knowing how to play apparently
^banned for thinking you know how to play?
Banned for about to hit 50 post
Banned for being on this thread too much
banned cause you made me laugh with that one
Banned cuz you laughed
Banned for banning someone for laughing
Banned for banning someone that banned someone for laughing
Banned for post count farming
Blah blah posting blah blah ?? Sorry don't know what you saying
Banned for childish response