The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for banning a tool
  2. You're a country?

    I didn't like the game :(
  3. This game is in kaw
  4. Banned for making a comment that doesn't contribute to the game ?
  5. Banned for caring about what I say :(
  6. Banned for this comment making game end. :roll:
  7. Banned for accusing Broncoo of ending the game.
  8. Banned for bringing this to pimd :eek:
  9. Banned for having 3 in name.
  10. banned for copyright username
  11. Copyright? Banned for being a Fresh King, I prefer my kings rotten
  12. Banned for having the name forums. ?
  13. Banned cause I don't like the color Pink
  14. I ban u cause u comment above me
  15. I ban u because u ban some juan else
  16. Banned cause like you're not a Lantern 
  17. ?Banned for being green
  18. Banned for acting like you don't like green
  19. Banned for assuming that I don't like green
  20. Oh I do too :(