The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for giving me his fumes
  2. Banned for not dying from ingesting his fumes 
  3. Banned for not really being superior.
  4. Banned for lying
  5. Banned for lying to lies
  6. Banned for being confused.
  7. Banned for getting confused to lying to lies which you did lies about that lies
  8. Banned for being a stick figure
  9. Banned for stick racism
  10. Banned for trying to be politically correct.
  11. You're just banned.
  12. Banned for pm'ing me.
  13. Banned for having a period
  14. Banned for misplacing your sentence ender.
  15. Banned for ending your sentence
  16. Banned for not ending your sentence!
  17. Banned for a loophole.
  18. Banned for spam banning
  19. Banned for not spam banning