The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for being Rosey.
  2. Banned for banning my awesome neurotic self
  3. Banned for being a psychopath.
  4. Banned for being a carebear
  5. Banned for not being summer.
  6. ? banned for banning someone ?
  7. Banned for having consecutive numbers in your post count.
  8. Banned for bob
  9. Banned for not ever having enough tree fiddy
  10. Banned for not giving me tree fiddy
  11. Banned for deviating.
  12. >:0 banned for being too festive
  13. Banned for bah humbug
  14. Banned for your points not even being solid 
  15. Banned for return banning the guy who banned you. Defeating the purpose.
  16. Banned to continue the thread.
  17. Banned for having a life
  18. Banned for saying having a life
  19. Banned for posting
  20. Banned for banning someone for posting