The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for not having an idiotic name
  2. banned for taking away my fox
  3. Banned for freezing booty
  4. banned for exposing my secret addiction
  5. Banned
  6. banned for having the same avatar as mine
  7. Banned for having such a beautiful room!
  8. Banned for having a pretty name
  9. Banned for being in the same club as me
  10. banned for not being in the same club as me
  11. Banned because I love you too much fwand
  12. banned for being too talented
  13. Banned for being too stupid
  14. Banned for selling ur account
  15. I banned you cause i like banning people ?
  16. Banned cuz yous a troll
  17. banned for using the word troll
  18. Banned because you should have banned me for saying "yous"
  19. Stop trying to bring stupid games from other apps like kaw. This is pimd and we like to party! 
  20. Banned for not banning