The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for spelling banned right
  2. Banned for the use of the emoji.
  3. Banned cuz u new
  4. Banned cuz u not
  5. banned cuz cuz
  6. Banned cuz u said cuz twice
  7. Banned cuz so did you
  8. Lol banned cuz u banned me ?
  9. Banned for posting after being banned
  10. Banned for kicking innocent babies
  11. Banned for not telling your secret
  12. Banned for trying to reveal my secret
  13. Banned for not letting me freeze her booty
  14. Banned because ur names victoria
  15. Banned for your secret addiction
  16. Banned for your contradicting name
  17. Banned for having a name I don't understand
  18. banned for being idiotic