The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for having that cute avatar 
  2. Banned cuz you rude
  3. Banned cuz you turn people to stone
  4. Banned cuz ur jealous
  5. Banned cuz you literally accepted that you sux
  6. You pretty much just banned people for not likening something
  8. Banned just so i can use the ban hammer.
  9. Banned for abusing ban hammer
  10. Banned for no reason?
  11. Banned for all the reasons?
  12. Banned for not being specific on reasons??
  13. Banned for having higher stats than me
  14. Banned for being so jelly?
  15. Banned for thinking that having a PIMDcrate on display makes you cool.
  16. Banned for not saying please