Separate names with a comma.
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.
Banned for assuming you won.
Banned for being a sin
Banned for being a Sun
Banned for hating on Sun
Banned for saying Sun not Sunny
Banned for naming the sun as sunny
Banned for not having their ign as Sunny
This is still a thing?
Banned for not banning ?
Banned for using the ? emoji
Banned for using the same emoji.
Banned for not using any emojis?
Banned for using an emoji.
Banned for being bipolar ?
Banned because that's my Last wish
Banned for pointing ??♀️
Banned for opening their legs
Banned for banning them for opening their legs
Banned for banning someone for being decent
Banned for holding someone else to your definition of "decent"