The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for using word like way too many times and for worst ign
  2. Banned for being a captain
  3. Banned for not liking Captains
  4. Banned for having sweet dreams when I have broken dreams
  5. Banned for dreaming at all.
  6. Banned for not dreaming
  7. Banned for coming here again.
  8. Banned for eating ice cream too much
  9. Banned for banning me.
  10. Banned for not farting.
  11. Banned for freezing booty's
  12. Banned for getting banned
  13. Banned for having a name no one will remember
  14. Banned for looking at the person's name
  15. I banned you for fun
  16. Banned for Cena
  17. Banned for freezing booties continuously
  18. banned for eating Ice cream at midnight.
  19. Banned for not asking what kind of ice cream it is
  20. Does this mean I win?