The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for using emoji xD
  2. Banned for not using emojis ?
  3. Banned for not being a lily
  4. Banned u for posting on this wall 
  5. I ban you for calling this thread a wall
  6. I ban you for banning the noob who was banned for calling a thread a wall. Poor Noobs, they never learn.
  7. ban u for being friends with me
  8. ? Banned for not being able to sing
  9. Banned because you are lying about being a Rose
  10. Banned for not realizing Rose is a people name too.
  11. Banned for saying rose is a real name 
  12. Banned with...

  13. Banned for using a gif
  14. Literally banned

  15. Banned for amazing images that you always post and I'm really jealous of and want them all. 

    ?? For Deviant
  16. ?
  17. Lol I thought this said the banging game
  18. Banned for a dirty mind
  19. Banned for banning people
  20. Banned for not including the other 3 seasons of the year in your name.