The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for wanting to be part of [ATA] :cry:
  2. Banned for having O in your name
  3. Banned for not being witty about the previous Ban
  4. Banned for trying to be witty
  5. Banned because I said so
  6. Banned for being bossy
  7. banned for being new to forums.
  8. Banned for discouraging new forumers.
  9. Banned for having 'math' in your name
  10. Banned for mentioning math
  11. Banned for being new to pimd
  12. Banned for banning someone
  13. Banned for not loving me
  14. Banned for wanting someone to love you.
  15. Banned for not having 800 posts yet in forums
  16. Banned for continuously banning people for violations and atrocities that you, yourself, have also committed.
  17. ️Banned for tl;dr
  18. Banned for being a kitten
  19. Banned because Puppies are better than kittens
  20. Banned for being a furry