The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for not typing proper english.
  2. Banned for not capitalizing English ?
  3. Banned!!! On the run!!!
  4. Banned coz you were born
  5. Banned for being so jealous of me
  6. Kuz u a thoty
  7. banned cause u spelled "cause" as "Kuz"
  8. اةتوهز. عوو
  9. Banned cuz that up there^ is gibberish :roll:
  10. O I can do that too
    ھاووۈاەككى it's not words I know :(
  11. Banned without any reason 
  12. Banned kus who r u
  13. Banned for "kus"
  14. that's Urdu
  15. Banned you for knowing which language it is.
  16. Banned just becuz
  17. banned caus3 y0u ta1k 1ik3 d1s
  18. banned because you talked like that
  19. banned for being too young for this game
  20. Banned for having a bad username