The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned cause your a hypocrite
  2. Banned you for using the word hypocrite
  3. Banned for hating on the word hypocrite.
  4. Banned because I'm too sexy to keep waiting
  5. Banned for waiting
  6. banned for not waiting ?
  7. Banned because you bumped ?
  8. Banned because you mooned
  9. Banned coz ...well wat stupidity is this!Banned coz this, banned coz that... Bs
  10. Banned for being a grouch.
  11. Banned 'cause I came back.
  12. banned because I can ?
  13. Banned because you mooned too!
  14. Banned because your name is spelled wrong
  15. Banned because you posted
  16. Banned for boobs and dying in that movie
  17. banned for eating pie :D
  18. Banned for having the same name as me <.<
  19. Banned for having a cool name