The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned because you got between Lyssa and I.
    **Edit: Banned because you got between Chill and I.
  2. Baned Because I Don't Know Lyssa
    P.s. I Like Pandas?
  3. Banned because at this point in the thread there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for misspelling the word banned and everyone knows Lyssa... Do you live under a PIMD rock?
  4. Banned for being a stalker because you know where I live 
  5. Banned because the rock you live under is dirty and you didn't do your spring cleaning
  6. Banned because 
  7. Banned because hai, ilykbai.
  8. balanced because art
  9. Banned because "balanced".
  10. banned for correcting me
  11. Banned for not being correct the first time?
  12. Banned because Luffy is my Senpai!!!!
  13. Banned because my Senpai is wayyyy better
  14. Blamed for 0's in stead of O's
  15. Banned for "blamed".
  16. Banned for caps rage and not banning art
  17. Banned for booing
  18. Banned for not booing over ec transfer update.
  19. banned cause i hate people who ban others