The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for being late
  2. Banned because you're more active in forums than the actual game 
  3. Banned for having a long Pimd name. 
    Ain't no one got time to read all that. Lol
  4. Banned for having same name as my favorite liquor brand. ? I didn't say that.
  5. Banned because that liquor sucks^
  6. Banned because i agree
  7. banned because colt is back
  8. banned because what????1?1!1!1?
  9. Banned because I do what I want
  10. Banned bc nobody cares
  11. banned because I care
  12. Banned for being a baby
  13. Banned for no one replying to your ban
  14. Banned because you replyed to his ban
  15. Banned because I'm grey's bff ??
  16. Banned because you're cheating on me. ?
  17. Banned for interrupting what I was gonna say to Lyssa.

    Gonna say it anyways, nahh I'm grey's bff. ??
  18. Banned for repeating Lyssa. ?
  20. banned because you use k instead of c