The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for not judging
  2. Banned for judging
  3. Banned because your screen name is a name without numbers and symbols
  4. Banned because you have -_- in your name :roll:
  5. Banned because you are close to 20k and I remember when you had 15 when I thought this but since an event happend I completely saw it different
    I used my keyboard three words thingy to create this ?
  6. Banned because i didn't get anything about what you said :|
  7. Banned because youre on a roll
  8. Banned because you're
  9. Banned because it doesn't matter as long as you can understand it :|
  10. Banned because you quoted and edited

  11. Banned because i quoted u
  12. Banned because you're confused about the banning process
  13. Banned because you're the one that's confused
  14. How would I be
    banned kus u don't know me
  15. Banned bc its better than your
  16. Banned because you don't know me either
  17. Self ban because i got in your way for banning them :s
  19. Banned for not breathing at someone else's ban
  20. Banned because potatoes ️