The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banning all of yutes for continuing this thread.
  2. Banned because this is a banning game
  3. Banned for having a long name
  4. Banned for having a short name
  5. Banned for using the word short without my permission
  6. Banned for pretending like you approve the use of words ?
  7. Banned for putting her in her place boo
  8. Banned for banning about words 
  9. Banned for censorship & taking your freedom of speech & expression for granted.
  10. Banned because I can't think of a reason to ban you.
  11. Banned because you I can't find either.
  12. I hate this game
  13. Banned bcuz ur a h8r
  14. Banned for typing
  15. banned for not banning
  16. Banned for wrong punctuation.
  17. banned for banning someone who used wrong punctuation
  18. Banned for being annoying