The Banning Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iKrisCanSeeYourPixels, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Banned for banning more than once.

    (Banned for starting new page) ?
  2. Banned for thinking u are a child of alah
  3. Banned for not thinking they're
  4. Banned cause I don't understand what you said
  5. Banned cause your reason for banning wasn't as valid as mine
  6. Banned for having nelly in your name
  7. Banned for criticizing their name
  8. Banned for something you did that I dont know about.
  9. Banned for naming yourself after an activity
  10. Banned because you need to give me your black hole ?
  11. Banned for being dirty
  12. I'm surprised this is still going on
  13. Banned for being surprised also in the other app it lasted for years
  14. Banned just cause I'm annoyed af because of some random person on my wall.

    P.S. I've deleted his posts.
  15. Banned because you shouldve left this thread like soo long ago ?
  16. Banned because I felt hurt.
  17. Banned because hurt is for the weak ?
  18. Banned for hurting weak people
  19. Banned for having "_" at the end of your name
  20. IM unable to be banned.....CAPS N TROLL