Secrets about the person above you 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jason, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. The roses is red
  2. Is actually Kim Jong Un, engaging in western civlization popular culture
  3. worries that his pet fish will drown from too much water
  4. Wants to send me her avi that she has.
  5. Likes to lick frozen waffles
  6. Is not really a princess
  7. ^ has crashed waaayy too many times...now just burns
  8. Schwarzenegger's seasonal character :lol:
  9. Isn't really a potato
  10. Eats salt by the spoonful. Everyday. Three big spoons every meal.
  11. Eats six spoonfuls of salt every meal
  12. Fell in love with a pineapple pen
  13. ^ d053nt kn0w5 h0w t0 typ3
  14. ^ hates lollipop
  15. Not a lady.
  16. Is really a peasant