the make up game! 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mileah-love, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. But that bugged him as well, for he was unsure what kind of pie he was.
  2. He decided he wanted to be an apple pie, cause he always had eaten those.
  3. *barged in, took the pie and ate it* The End :3
  4. But that was not the last of sir apple pie..

    He lived through the digestion cycle, and reappeared at the other end.
  5. he is known as sir "poop" now :3
  6. Sir poops a lot then got flushed and died
  7. That's what everyone thought.
    But sir poop had a strong will to live.
    After being flushed, sir poop resurfaced in the ocean.
    And there, he began his journey looking for his lost son.
  8. little did he know his son was in California.. cold.. alone.. hurt.. being stepped on and washed out by the rain.. his son died and never ever rose again.
  9. And she mutated and become a monster.
  10. the monster later was killed by a giant flying bunny who ripped her apart :3
  11. But then the bunny remembered he can't fly.. so it fell and died ?
  12. Then waffle came and killed the giant flying bunny because waffle is just cute like that??‍♀️
  13. but the bunny didn't díe tho. he was put into coma and after a year he was alive and kickin' ?
  14. After a whole year waffle skinned the bunny. Baked it and ate it
  15. That's when giant bunny ghost came and joined the feast of his own roasted body.
  16. His own body gave him strength, bringing about his resurrection
  17. while eating his own self he soon discovered that there was poison in on it.. him and the ones that ate him died due to food poisoning.. soon there was a huge eruption coming from the etna volcano.. the earth shook and have been invaded by aliens :3
  18. Those aliens ate all the food left on planet earth and omg wait yasss they have no mouth
  19. and BOOM! logic gone.. the end 
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