You're right Irem I moved it instead... I'm just clumsy.... And shhh panda you shoulda seen what happened to the bee
I wish that's what happened... Not my proudest moment, I have to admit... But a girl has to do what a girl has to do... Poor bugger stuck his stinger in the wrong girl.
I know a guy who stubbed his toe on the coffee table. His toe went gangrenous. They took off his foot but it wasn't enough. Eventually, they had to take the whole leg to save him. He was an elderly chap and couldn't exercise much. Lifestyle caught up with him and diabetes set in. He couldn't take good care of his remaining foot and lost that too. Often, once the foot goes in diabetics, the rest of the leg follows. This happened with poor old Frank. He lost both his legs. And it started with a stubbed toe. (true story btw)
But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do is often what I get told before we head to bed
Well....I got a concusion once....not saying its worse or better but it kept me out of football for 4 weeks and my head hurt for 3
gangrene from stubbing your toe... I don't think I did enough damage as that... But good point I guess since I kept my foot... It wasn't so serious I've twisted my ankle heaps of times...But other than that, I don't think I've ever broken a bone... I have tried jumping over a fallen tree trunk only to trip and gash my head, fallen off my big brother's bike when I was a kid and hit my head on the ground, scraped my elbow when I fell off my bike going down a really steep driveway, gotten hit by a basketball in the head, fallen into a river trying to get a Lillypad.....
Munch I got concussion falling out of a wheelbarrow, broke my wrist falling off a horse and my other wrist falling over in the playground. I also tore the ligaments in my foot by falling over drunk in a corn field.
I've had 3 concussions (can't remember them) I've broken both of my wrists I've broke my foot I've stumped my toe about 3 times I've had strep throat about 5 times this year (10 times in my whole life) I've had mono once I've had broncitus twice I've had nemonia once
Casper my love I set on fire a couch accidently and set on fire an over when i was a kid. It was all accident. i have burns still tho but i never think im clumsy