 Pupils 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Kariiiiii (02), Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Lol Xavier  Yeah I sleep a lot .

    TC is quiet most times
  2. My pupil is awesome 
  3. Mulva hired me but she rarely talks to me and i dont have tutors i only have 900m. 
  4. LMFAO Oh Karina 
  5. My tc is always quiet but we used pm! 
  6. Karina wake up 
  7. Lauren

    Nuff said.

  8.  I'm awake foo's . My pupil is still farming some fackers .
  9. That's fun LOL 
  10.  I got school. I dunno who is taking me . I might not go .
  11. OMG Karina lmao 
    Go to school and hang with your friends 

  12. I remember the pupil war.

    2 people fighting over me. ._.

    Helplessly cheering for both people. ._.

    _Alice won. ._.

    I miss her. ;n;
  13. I forgot if I even had a pupil. 

    Shit, I think I do. Idc, i don't even talk to the chick or guy 
  14. Yea you have a pupil lol 
  15.  Lol Chloe and Soft .

    I did go to school . My dad took me LOL. I stayed after school too.  My friend beat me up 
  16. Get her/him back Karina LOL 
  17.  I did. It was play fight . I bit her  lolol
  18.  chicken slap them
  19. Guey  .

    Nah  it's alright, I'll get her tomorrow 