 A Terrible Discovery

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zz_zz-zzlIlIlIIIIllIl, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. ?ninja I'm not an agent of the dark lord, but I am in some way shape or form connected to him. I'll put in a good word for you, it's quite comfy and lovely down here. It's also nice and warm.

  2. The amount of angel massacre on this thread alone...just for saying hippo :\

    I like hippos. I've never seen a hippo in real life and I never want to. I'm pretty sure a hippo can tear my body in half if it wanted to. or that hippo can just sit on me and I would just die. Why do I like hippos again? Oh wait...I don't. I like hippo chocolates. :p
  3. You just killed 7 angels! The dark lord thanks you. ?
  4. Hippo! hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! Hippo! 
  5. Yep. That's how I lost my wings, but I was sworn to secrecy. Oops.?
  6. ?Angel we love you on the dark side girly, it's better over here.
  7. Nooo. Have mercy on my siblings!
  8.  Someone tell Kristine/ Psyduck thank you for me
  9. Will do Alice ??hippos
  10. hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo
  11. hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo hippo
  12. We're all going to Hell 
  13. What's this about killing  I thought they lost their wings, not exploded
  14. ?I'm already in hell, and it's wonderful here.
  15. Hell where's all the bad ? are at  I wouldn't mind to go 
  16. I'll put in a good word for yeah error! ?
  17. just wow
  18. You want a mansion by the Bon fire? One just became available.