Z 'vs' SWAR

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *clusterbomb (01), Sep 6, 2013.

  1. s please 304kcs
  2. Lcbc sign me up Chloe either side
  3. Certainly will sweetie. Looking like it could be an interesting war so far. Still plenty of time to sign up
  4. It's obviously spelled with a 'z' js. Not sure if I'll sign up or not because my stats are… What day of the week will it be?
  5. Okay then I sign up.
  6. I'm not signing up, but I like the idea 

    PS, my autocorrect and dictionary both say it's with a z 
  7. zigning up on Z side, 230kcs and might upgrade a little before the war.
  8. actually both letters are correct..correct me if im wrong. Z is for american english and S is used by british english. not 100% sure :-\ but im zigning up on Z zide.
  9. Z side, 1mcs
  10. S roster.. 160kcs
  11. Z, the right way lol. count me in, chloe!
  12. Thanks all keep spreading the news to those interested in war and lets make it a good one. Been a while since there's been a good clean fun war
  13. Z SIDE
  14. Under unforeseen circumstances (mostly me being very unorganised ??) I will have to rearrange this war at a later date.

    Sorry for any inconvenience ill get back to you all
  15. No problem just inform the date ASAP 