Z 'vs' SWAR

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *clusterbomb (01), Sep 6, 2013.

  1. 'S' side FTW :)
  2. It's organise you idiot's'
    440KcsWill upgrade
  3. Z side, 1.3mcs
  4. Ill sign up for S! Im ±101Kcs
  5. 1.2m Z side?
  6. Bump I'm 312kcs now
  7. Ok thanks Anya. Keep me updated. Ill be sorting the rosters a week before
  8. Will do hopefully ill be around 340kcs by war time
  9. Really no one is wrong. Every country haZ different wayZ to Zpell different thingZ. Zome wordZ don't even mean the Zame in other countrieZ. 
  10. ?Dear god fink never do that again!
  11. ???can people please make it clear if you're joining or not. Rather than discuss the different spellings. I'm confuzzled???
  12. Lol I hate the letter z so:
    S side
    Will be 600kcs
    Name will be RS_FINK by then 
  13. 1.1mcs ~ bc before it starts.
    S's side please 
  14. Lets see more sign ups guys and gals
  15. My friends used to call me Z and never said S.  So...put me in Z roaster.
  16. ?That's wat I said. I'm the noob