This thread isn't about gameplay - it's about the difference in people's attitudes towards each other, and how that affects people's desire to be here.. Nothing wrong with wanting to compete gamewise, but I see no conscience in people's actions..
Perfect time to mention ★★★Merc War At Asgard★★★ The other side could use some helpright now if anyone is interested in warring. ツ Thanks!
It is a very different game now.? The devs have shoved parties down our throats with all the different scavs and limited edition collectibles. The biggest problem with this Is it has encouraged individualism. Everyone wants to get their pugs and what not, so they hop clubs. For me, since I can't dedicate the time to hit actively in parties and hunt for scavs, I let my str/int bars just stay full. What else is there to do? Get kicked from clubs for not being super active in a party? Farm an inactive in a club not partying (which isn't exactly common these days anyways)? Honestly, the friends you make do keep you tied to this game. A tap game, battery killer on your phone is not worth the time without some sort of connection keeping you here. At least, at first. For me, many, many of my good friends from 2011 are gone. Not just from here, but third party apps as well. Very few do I still keep in contact with, and on this game I really only talk to a few others. It's just the connection. Being here nearly 3 years, I don't see how I can let PIMD go. The game itself is, well, boring. I guess curiosity killed the cat should be my motto.
Agreed, if it weren't for the friends I have on here I probably wouldn't still be playing this game.?
iEx were you in the original Bazinga? I was never in the club but I met the best people in their 3rd party group.
So you guys are all in agreement???? So why don't you guys come up with a plan to make the change? And don't use the other authorities as an excuse, you can make a change from the inside. Don't sit here and complain about it make the change do what you need to do! Make PIMD A GREATER PLACE.....
I am on the train that recognizes how our game is going down, but can't really do anything to change it. I try, but one can only do so much
Yes, Ruby, it can start with an individual having more patience and care for others, and most commenters here do exactly that, but it's quite a force they're up against..
Blizz you're the one person I can honestly say has always tried to be helpful here. I hope you've been well. Happy New Year.
ive not even been here a year but feel the same way...i remember the same feeligs of bein excited to talk to my clubbies, knowing pretty much each person individually, not caring about whether therewas a promo or pros or xtra money or some other bullshit. then it just changed..pple became focused on stats, money, items-nothing wrong with that but their attitudes changed as well. people r no longer the reason y most everyone is here, i decided to try and be different a bit, idc about money or items, ill give em all away lol wall me if ya want a pug. anyways reminiscing over
wait!! not over!! i remember bein a nooblet and wall fighting with ahli about someone i thought was op and she disagreed, haha she kicked my ass. sigh, good times lmao
Well.........come up with a plan!!!!!!! There are way too many of you guys, who are upset about this! soooooooo all of you guys, need to come together and come up with the damn plan!!! Stop using excuses as we tried, we tried, we tried! you didn't try hard enough!!!! This is have a revolution start, a group of people get together with the same idea, to want to make a change! Here's how you can start individually come up with your own plans for group together to see what plans you guys, to pick which ones the best been presented to ever you need to present it to. If they don't like it you go to plan be you come up with your own plan again and you work from the inside out.
? I do what I do, don't matter if was for the first, second, or 83rd gen players. I get drunk and the ️Attention️ That is all.... Comes out
I want in this group! Here's my plan. Boycott parties and restart war clubsツ I've already set my plan into motion. Join us! The bond you get from war clubs that have to depend on each other and work together is unrivaled. This is what was missing from my pimd experience for the last year and I'm so glad it's back. I love you Asgard!!