Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Sep 6, 2011.

  1. XD

    PS3, excuse me? I make "threads". Not forums. Forums are the places where you POST THREADS. And my threads aint useless, they weird. :3

    Jiggle them titties! 

    ... I didn't say anything. ._.
  3. Hahaha yeah lol ikr..

    ...I didnt say anything bout boobies :roll:
  4. XD but I also thought the title was "boobies".
  5. Haha same lol...
  6. A Thread for nooobiiies like you
  7. ps3 -.-" change ur name, ur a disgrace to the actual ps3
  8. The biggest noob fail of all time is doing



    "it's easier

    To read"

    You're annoying when you do that. Good day to you.
  9. And ur an ass to the REAL world
  10. It is pretty annoying 
  11. XD Fine. I'll stop. :3
  12. God. This was a time when Chloe was more helpful and nice.

    Except now, she's a cold bitch.
  13. If only she was like this now.
  14. I wish 
    I miss abyss
  15. God forbid me asking ypu why you bumped this.

    As for the cold part. Spy, RL isn't this awesome amusement park you can go in and out 24/7. I'm not in this happy-go-lucky mood anymore. Deal with it. :L

    ... I'm not that bad, am I? o.0
  16. You are during this generation of PIMD ._.
  17. I am not in this generation, I was generation 8.
  18. Generation 6 here 
  19. *commits PIMD suicide*

    Anyways, I'm sorry if I was the one doin' the pissin' off. But don't EVER mess with the club member setting in pal. Ever. Again.

    BTW I think you'll have to wait for the swapnote thing. I don't have an SD card.