That awkward moment when

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ISneakerHeadTouchedTheBooty, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. That awkward moment when you open the op every day :D
  2. The awkward moment when you ask a question the teacher just answered
  3. Lol nice ones haha I didn't think this was still going
  4. That awkward moment when youre find a condom in your dads pants and hes married..!
  5. The awkward moment when your teacher is watching porn on his computer and the principal sees it 
  6. That awkward moment when all the guys pretend to gangbang you on the couch in the office and the principal walks in.

    That's as awkward and weird as it gets
  7. That awkward moment when you call a girl anorexic and she starts balling because she is anorexic
  8. Re: That awkward moment when

    The awkward moment when your voguing in the bathroom and the female principal does it with you
  9. That awkward moment when ur bf hugs u and tries to kiss u on ur cheek but he misses and gets ur hoop earring around his mouth

  10. The awkward moment when you bend over and the male teachers p e n i s is on your but
  11. That awkward moment when you are talking on the phone through the mic incorporated in your headphones and people look at you as if you were crazy and talking to yourself
  12. that awkward moment when you remember something funny and try to tell it to your friend who is talking and you wait only to find out you forgot completly while waiting
  13. That awkward moment when ur using ur bluetooth earpiece and u start talking

    Me:So u wanna meet up soon
    Purv:hell yeah
    Me:I'm talking on my phone *walks away*
  14. I hate that too emmi

    Me: guess wut
    da girl: wait a minute I have to take this call

    2 minutes later..

    Da girl:so wut did u want to say
    Me:umm I forgot
  15. The awkward moment when a stranger is in front of you while your talking to your mom and you say "i love you" and they say it back
  16. That funny (not super awkward) moment when the hobo outside a museum proposes to your grandmother and she accepts.
  17. You phone .̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨may be broken cause there is a smudge on it
  18. The akward moment when your at a bar and you have to fart and there load music so you let it out along with the beat but then you relize its headphones ur wearin for da music