That awkward moment when the mcdonalds you work at make you wear your schoolgirl costume on Saturday but Halloween isn't until Monday. Then you have to deal with creepy old men hitting on you all day;(
I meant to say locker room Why would girls have nothin but a bra on I. A girls bathroom Oh wait I know why Because the bathroom is [bold] MAGICAL [/bold]
That awkward moment when a guy friend shows up in the middle of the night and before you can tell him to leave, your boyfriend calls that he is coming upstairs
An awkward moment when you answer the phone and a guy (whom is wayyyy older) tries to force you to think that you are his gf Tru story D:
when u walk threw tge hall and see your gf making out with some dude wahh buh buh wahhhh
That awkward moment when u see two 7th graders kissing in front of ur locker But they apologize non stop bcuz Ur an 11th grader cheerleader Lol
When u are talkin to ur friends about how u broke up with ur bf and he is standing right behind u as u complain about him Now that is AKWARD
That awkward moment when your boyfriend pees all over your bathroom floor!!Then,you have to lecture him all night about his "lousy aim!"
Or when your docter wants to reach in your pants when thats the job for the gynocologist The awkward moment when you bend down and theres period stain on your pants and all the guys laugh