Magnificent 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourSecretLover, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. This is not hating...

    1) I am not using caps lock.

    2) I am not using anger emoji

    Having an opinion is not hating nor is it sucking up
  2. I would say that both those clubs are just people causing drama.

    And didn't you just say don't hate the player, hate the game. Both sides are just playing the game
  3. What i mean by dont hate the player hate the game, is if u dont like something or the way this game is dont blame the players just simply quit
  4. And if anyone wants to know why i and most of mag-warriors join this farm war ask kendolls aka babypooh5
  5. Can't the same thing be said to your club about DRM? If you dont like it then you do not need to get involved
  6. Your right but read my last post  why i got involved
  7. Hmmmm.... It's probably drama that is ridiculous, and people probably laugh at it .-.
  8. you are delusional 
  9. A hero that backed out from SF war with Terror before it ended? 

    That war was going on forever though
  10. This is ridiculous
  11. You say M4G is the best VIP...well I don't think so...he threatened me...none of the other VIP's have threatened me....Forever alone....
  12. I think Jeni is the best VIP, she is super duper nice  never seen her threaten anyone
  13. My pupil is VIP ._. she's pretty awesome ._. other than her, I think Wandering-Niki's alt was on VIP before.. Can't remember
  14. -iFleur-
    Such a nice lady
    And Winn
  15. sorry I m kinda confused  Nightmare i din do anything to u. Why ask me?  I m not the reason u r there 
  16. um I c so many different opinions well Maggie cares dearly about his members 
  17.  joke of the month
  18. Babypooh5, -jeni- and -Abbyj- are my favourite current VIPs. Phantasm will always be my all time number one 
  19. am a huge fan of Casper can I have ur autograph 