LE2 were top of Call of Duty till the hackers came along, I used to be in them but I quit. It's nowhere near as big as it used to be, I think they had at least top 10 for score in all but black ops at one point. Aaaanyway, imma message you on xbox but I'm English time so maybe a problem!
Crazy thing happened 2 me in red dead....... I was running with my when the legs stopped moving...... Then it fell over...... And well think u know the rest. So I basically have no now. who plays red dead undead nightmare??? I cant get past the graves!!!!
Cool!! I get in the grave yard and basically run round like a headless chicken coz they chase me!! In the end they catch me lmao!
ill 1v1 anyone on mw2 tonight. •Snipers •Pistols •Throwing Knife •No Camping •QUICK AND NO SCOPES. I may be on around 5-6pm est. Send Request to EpikDynamyte317
Canceled it until tonight. Didn't have enough people for a party. No not YouTube. "naughty panda" on MLG.com
MLG as in Major League Gaming? Pretty neat otherwise >.< Just PM or message me on Xbox if you need players PandaMan