Oreo's News-The Oreo Inside of You (2nd Issue)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I-Love-Oreo-Pie, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Grind???? Awkward...
  2. 

    More info required.
    Also I think you should pick people for interviews that you think would be good instead of asking for volunteers.
  3. it's not awkward if Tynos says it
  4. The very best former of all time to interview is found here
  5. Amazing job Oreo! Webboo would be proud
  6. Thanks Santa

    And theoneyouwanttobe, you're always saying my threads are terrible, and pointing out every little flaw they have. Just stop. It's annoying
  7. The good forumers never cared about criticism (just look at dittle, rai-rai, and even i was famius back in march-june) Dont let people drag you down!
  8. I know I'm not
  9. Santa what was your last screen name?

    During march to June I was and you weren't famous 
  10. My screen name was Cruzito88. Quite popular for many threads including Tip of the Week which i just started up again. This is how i became good friends with CJS.
  11. Oh right !!!

    But you weren't famous , no one can be famous on Pimd and during march CJS Changed his name to LDV
  12. I know But i was starting to talk to him in February on Campus with MichelleLoversElegy. I understand he changed his name to Leonardo Da Vinci, but i figured most people knew him as CJS
  13. Off topic much?
  14. All the time Hun  and what time tomorrow are you posting the newsletter
  15. ii like it Oreo goof job! 

  16. You were on campus in Febuary?

    I never saw you till like April
  17. Yes Me and Jack used to play farm the Rule Breakers