Oreo's News-The Oreo Inside of You (2nd Issue)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by I-Love-Oreo-Pie, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Thanks everyone

    And sure flame

    Just send me the first couple paragraphs of it in a message
  2. 

    I'm not well known 
  3. Thee  approves!
  4. Woot my story was mentioned
  5. You're welcome
  6.  aaaawwwwww yeah no mentioning in any news threads yet again 
  7.  it's that monster again
  8.  im a sick monster tynos . sicker than pwnd 
  9.  he's who of them noob pwning immortals true story
  10. they ate my soul
  11.  you asked for it though 
  12. kinda I'm a ginger though so you can't eat what's not their 
  13. we eat your flesh too 
  14. I was pinned 98% of the war. Then I got bored and let them grind on me 