Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Infinity
    I can feel ur essence through the space time continuum
  2. 100000000000000000000000x100000000000000000000000
  3. It's funny cause your both guys 

    Hmm, I have never seen you, I think

  4. You may remember me from such years as 2011. Playing the role of Azizosis.

  5. Turn your screen landscape.

  6. People just want to see themselves as famous.
  7. That's what it's all about here 

    I know that people seek fame here on forums :|

    But it's not that big of a deal

    5 
  8. 
  9. HIIIIIIIIILLYYYYYYYY!!! 

    Misses you!!!
