Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Q and a third:) I think
  2. Eh, a 4?

  3.  being indifferent and scoring you a   congrats on being semi-famous

     now rate me HIGH  lol
  4. Woah there, you just deflated my ego, that's just plain unacceptable.

    For that, I will honestly give you a 8.5/10 

  5.  lol 8.5 is good besides your still semi famous 
  6. Haha, I could care less about being "semi-famous" as you say.
    Really don't mind what rating I get.

    And yes, I'd say 8.5 is pretty good as well.

  7.  I'll rate u a 1 then ...
  8. Haha, I see you're a good listener, that's always a good thing to be.

    Don't tempt me though.
