Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. @calgary-Josh,

  2. @Breacer,

  3. @SoftyJosie,

  4. Softjose Is a 8 You Fool
  5. Leo you're a 10 
  6. Read your pm Leo 
  7. Also check out Campus 
  8. Smh at the behavior of some January noobs. -.-

    Spyder, I'll give you a 6.9/10 ;)

  9. In my opinion, a 3. In yours, an 8. Differences there are, yet I'll happily stick with my opinion. Take this seriously by calling me a fool, I care not.
  10. M I give you a 8.5 
  11. SirJoe your a 3 ..

    This is the First Time I've seen you on any threads
  12. Okay, fair enough. I've seen you several times on both this account and my other, so I'll get you around a 8.