Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Leo  10 for an amazing thread 
  2. Haha " finally somebody I know 2"

    10 for you all except the girl who gave me a 2 
  3. Aww I sowwy I just don't know you that well

    7 see I raised it lol
  4. It's how popular 
    Most people that use this thread know 
    Who I am
  5. Oh well then

    10 haha
  6. 
  7. Yayy I rated correctly on the amazing popularity of Leo the cool
  8. 

    I used to be well known on the forums 
  9. Hmm well I'm sure your very well known here

    100 hehe I broke scale muahaha
  10.  THAT NAME  but 5 