Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. that was an accident i meant to rate zed... but HA 
  2. Oh dangit u just missed it lex10
  3. Bebylovey What exactly Are You Trying to Do?
  4. Lol to do what? And funny she said 0 and she rated me 9 before haha
  5. For That Ima Unfollow You
  6. beby that was a rate for panda ... i wanna change it now though to uhm... 42 
  7. and chaotic beauty... uhm 2 lol
  8. .. Well then 
  9. Lol ooooh awks 7
  10. 19 for beby
  11. Lol -____- whale guy 10
  12. I like your name .. 7
  13. i sorry i just dont know you chaotic 
