Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Lol to whale haha so funny everytime i see u all i imagine is that u have a fac3 like :

    -___- haha

  2. ugh i keep missing panda ...

  3. Ohhh My Stalker is Sad
  4. Lol no one comments until lexie rate panda haha

    [ignore this one]
  5. aww you people wont let me rate my panda  i guess im doing a bad job as stalker 

  6. 4 Your Getting There
  7. i tried telling them lexie haha
  8. Who Exactly Is "My Panda?"
  9. 0.1
    Thats What You Get For Lying