Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Maybe 9.99, a little closer 
  2. At least i am not

    -69 
  3. At least I exist

  4. Awww. You gave me a 10. 

    He is, the meanest of them all
  6. Totally xD

    Went you one of my tuts? Lol
  7. I just hired you. Yes? 
  8. Waitcthere are 2? 
  9. No? You High... ?
  10. Yes? You high?
  11. 10 ive seen u alot
  12. 6 Yolo never seen youxD
  13. 9 I am new to forum. Fortunately 
  14. 8 hehe ive seen u alot too