Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Hahahahah  I think I get it  Either that or I'm perverted
  2. 9.9

  3. 

  4. Thnx, 8stars 4 u!

  5. 3 haven't really seen you much
  6. I'm on a lot of forums
  7. 7 

    I've seen you around but I don't know you - 1 point.

    Got a stickied thread - 6 points 

    My rating is ridiculous 
  8. That was directed at LilMoo.

    For the one above me...

    1. 
  9. 1 first time I see you on forum
  10. TBB You visited ofh when I was there :0

    softy I didn't know you were softball otherwise I would've gave you an 8

    Can't remember who's above me so 6
  11. Idk you so 5 for now and once i get to know and can change.