Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Love the snakes 🐍
    Elizamoon likes this.
  2. 0/10 unknown
    ChickyChickyParmParm likes this.
  3. 9/10 I vaguely remember you I think 😅😅
  4. If you're having bad luck it's because you have 13 friends.
  5. no worries, i’m not superstitious
  6. 10/10 love the avi and the pet 😌
  7. 4/10 cause pet name tbh
  8. 2/10 because you gave my friend a low score 😌 the points are cause I like your avi!
  9. 1/10 It’s not technically you, I’m just not in great mood is all.
  10. 0/10. Cheer up.
    Juno, TrashRat, Lumi and 3 others like this.
  11. 100/10 best response ever lol. I also love that avi so much and your dorm is stunning, I love the black and white 🫶🫶
    ForeveR-DanK likes this.
  12. 8/10
    Love dorm and avi i just don't like the color of the avi 😽
  13. 7/10, i like ur avi