Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. -Undefined value-
  2. I deserve a 100 u pieces of chicken!
  3. Charlie for being awesome u get 100
  4. 

    Gold star for making this thread
  5. Leo you're still active
  6. HARROW

    How are you? Haha sometimes I come on cause
    FPS_Ireland tells me to

    I'm on once and a while, I'm like a trojan a forgotten god one of the first

    8 for who ever is above me have a great day

    27 months since I joined xD
  7. Woah Leo. I'm an 8 in popularity? U kidding me? I should be a 1. :) anyway, I'd give u an 8 too!
  8. Hey always think of your self as a king or queen I did :)

    And I became one on the forums I trolled I was hated by many but loved by others