Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. its
    0 = Unknown on pimd
    10 = Well known on pimd
    so yes were basing it off of their profile or just if we've seen their name around or not ??

    0 for you 
  2. I'm basing it off on how they interact with people in forums and all that, I also read their walls.

    1/10 cuz we don't talk anymore 
    Jk. 9/10
  3. Wow we talk anymore :(
    you donut message me first cause you worried ?
  4. You should self-nominate and tag me along in Hailey's first date stories

    10/10 for being cool and tired 24/7
  5. Qt marshmallow gets 11/10
  6. Most qt senpai gets 12/10 with oatmeal
  7. Erhm... idk you like that... but an 8.

    You seem fun 
  8. Oof 

    Idk... like a 7 
  9. Also.... 15/10 ️
    Onyxe is literally a goddess, k?