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Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. k
  2. once again hes scrapping rock botton for a comeback. and again moron, changing my original text in a quote just makes you look like a damn fool. id recommend shutting up before you make it worse for yourself.
  3. oh and 777 for Adam
  4. Lmfao
    Changing your original text?
    Do you even english bro?
    You wait for me to pick out your crappy typing then go and edit it
  5. :lol: :lol: keep making up excuses you fail troll.
  6. Once again we see the anger, just goes to show that you messed up your grammar, the least you have anyway, and now you're mad
  7. Excuses?
    It's funny, yet so sad that deep down you know you failed yet you lie to yourself to make yourself feel better
    How about I screenshot from now on and keep a collection?
  8. Oh and 10 for MrByte
  9. im angry? where you getting that from? im laughing my ass off at you still trying to be cool. give up bud, you failed.
  10. you do that. you screenshot all your fail trolls and collect em :lol: youre a genius.
  11. 10
  12. Your first post on the previous page you wrote 'botton' might wanna fix that typo before it's too late eh?
  13. youre still try huh kid? just give it up. oooo i said botton instead of bottom big deal. i bet you feel real proud you saw that. -9999999999999 for this fool and im done here, this kids got nothing good up his sleeve.
  14. "Do you even english bro"? Can you even speak english noob?