Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. For Phil.

    This game is rated by "fame", not time spent playing. 
  2. 
  3. Jazmine:2?
  4. I know. I would still give Terry a 5 because he hasn't been on the forums a while.

    no hate, Terry, you're still a 10 in my imagination 
  5. I guess I have a lot of bias. It took me half a year to become known. Some people walk right in and expect a lot of recognition from the start. I guess I get a bit angry when that happens.
  6. Pooh I been on forums for like a year and a half playing for 2 years
  7. I met terry somewhere and hes a gay BFF 
  8. Name changes throw this off!
  9.  says the one who asks me to dirty rp with him
  10. XD I never saw you until a month or two ago. Unless you had a name change... Then that explains things. 
  11. Are you magnificent? 
  12. I never changed my name. I was always: Poohluvhoney.
  13. That was for magsy
  14. Ive been asked that alot
  15. Terry you still never finished your end of the bet 

    You had to rp in a gay rp club 