Rate the personAboveYou

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by VladimirPutin, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. I'm sorry Cookie! I feel bad now. I didn't know and I don't remember. People say I have a memory of a goldfish haha. Sorry 
  2. Emnite shamamalamasama

  3. JACK IN THE BOX

    well that's cool garret, have fun with that 
  4. Ummm hi...
    Idrk who u is but.... What's up?
  5. It's softball4everrrrrrr. This is my alt
  6. 7? _____ please.
    I'm at least an 8 unless you some sorta noob.
    U get a 3.
  7. 9 Not much

    ( Famous old account ) 
  8. Suck up troll 
  9. Hmmm imma give you a 4 bc I like you a bit more than that crazy that gave me a 7
    Nah you get a 8 cuz you started me up