Party Hunt/Item Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. o3o Mags you make the wikipedia of PimD. o3o........ ALL HAIL~

  2. swesome tyvm great thread what about art items pls
  3. I believe those are party trophies? If they aren't lemme know and ill look for them and add them.

    By the way if anyone does see the new item please tell me who has it so i can ss it and add it.
  4. Mags don't forget varsity jacket, one just dropped for me.
  5. Yup, ive been told and have it in notes for the update, i just want to confirm or disprove the rumors of the whoopee cushion drop first.
  6. I have searched for proof and have yet to find it. I am not saying it doesn't exist, but the person that mentioned it in forums was rude when I asked the person.....but who knows since the drop rate is like .000001%
  7. Bro step brah also drops hot wings
  8. I've added everything and sent to support to update! If there actually is a whoopee cushion please let me know where I can find it and I'll add it :) .
  9. updated
  10. Amazing thread ty
  11. There's a 3 legged shelter dog dropping from arcade misfire PRO...check royale history
  12. Thanks war-king, I couldn't figure out how to post the pic lol
  13. Welcome lol :)
  14. Great guide by tomorrow there will be 15 more items dropped at this rate 
  15. Thanks, already sent support an email to update the thread!
  16. i hope not! Thats a lot of bb coding
  17. Does hitting once and hitting lots of time make a difference in term of items rewards?