Extra Credits

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. No
  2. Isn't the best job to use to get ec free the very 1st job? That's where I normally get my ecs 
  3. Same here all you have to do is wait...then tap,tap,tap,tap repeatedly
  4. Where do you find your gifs? They are so cute 
  5. So adorable! 
  6. Can u give me 7 ecs i cant do it anymore pls jerk
  7. Can u give me 7 ecs i cant do it anymore pls jerk
  8. Thanks Bro, That Really Helped.
  9. Very helpful thank you!
  10. Its really helpful. Thanks. I love it
  11. Its really helpful. Thanks. I love it
  12. What if I have reset my account 3 time, do I still get ec and dn?
  13. Hire my tutor and volly me.please, thank you.
  14. Thx that was really helpful?