Extra Credits

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Do u think there could be a away of resetting it jobs without resetting UR account? Cause this would also help with trying to get ec
  2. Re: Extra Creditshttp://www.facebook.com/denkakeke.0404

  3. My don't think you can reset your jobs, but you can always go back and redo finished ones.
  4. Fhxvccbcxbccc



  5. Where is my extra credit.
  6. Get money and you won't have to worry about extra credit
  7. thanks for the information
  8. The easiest way is to buy it with real money. Or do jobs. Your relationship partner can gift you too. I suggest just buying a Google play gift card or iTunes gift card and using them. It's easy and safe and best of all instant gratification :)
  9. Ty jerk 
  10. Lolz
  11. Farming helps in getting ecs seriously 
  13. Thanks for the information 
  14. Lol I've made 5 doctors notes in just 193 jobs
  15. Onemore hunt come u will earn ec in the hunt nd this hunt only for two days plz do this hunt many people want to get ec so it is the best way
  16. Do you get ec from farming people!